Next steps

We are here for YOU as you explore your Next Step!

Thank you for being a part of our church family! As you learn more about our church and yourself, we are honored to journey beside you as you grow in Christ, your God-given purpose, and make a difference for the Kingdom. It starts with YOU and YOUR NEXT STEP.

Whether you want a relationship with Jesus or are a seasoned Christian who wants to disciple others, we are here for you! We're happy to help you make connections, explore your gifts to serve in the local church, find the right group to learn about God's Word, equip you to disciple, send you out to disciple others, or everything else in between.

You can fill out the form at the bottom of this page, and one of our Next Steps team members will contact you, or you can meet us at the Next Steps table in the foyer after service on Sunday.

Here are some NEXT STEPS we can help with!


We believe God is in relentless pursuit of us! If you have questions about salvation or the Gospel, we have a team of people who love Christ and love the Gospel who would be happy to answer your questions. There is never any pressure to make a decision; we want you to have a safe place to ask your questions and clearly receive the Gospel.


As a church family, we practice believer's baptism by immersion – the way Jesus was baptized and the way the Bible commands. It's an outward symbol of an inward decision to repent and believe in Jesus. Let's celebrate your decision to follow Jesus.


At First Baptist, we believe every family is better with a church family. We would love for you to join ours. You may fill out our membership request form here!


Groups are how we love one another like family and grow in our faith together. Our Sunday family gatherings are a great way to increase your faith and grow as individuals, but God designed us for relationship - to do life together. Join one of our groups as we study the Bible, pray for one another, care for one another, and love our neighbors together.


First Baptist is a place where you can serve and use your gifts! Every believer is called to a life of service, whether in the local church, community, or friend and business circles of influence. God has gifted every believer with gifts to serve the church family and impact the world. Join step 2 in Growth Track, called DEVELOP:  God's Purpose for Me to explore your giftings and learn how you can serve at First Baptist.


Our Mission at First Baptist is Disciples Making Disciples. From the moment you enter our doors, we will look for opportunities to journey alongside you. Whatever season you're in, we want to help you draw closer to Christ, with the ultimate goal that you will multiply and invest in another. Learn about our discipleship opportunities.

Help me take my Next Steps

We'd love to hear from you! Fill out the form below to get started.

If you don't see your desired Next Step tell us what you're looking for in the message box.

First Baptist is the perfect place for imperfect people, and we believe every family is better with a church family. Take your next step with us today!

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