Welcome to the First Baptist Digital Library!

We are thrilled to invite you to explore and connect with our digital library—an abundant treasure trove of spiritual resources at your fingertips. Explore a vast collection of sermons, devotionals, biblical teachings, worship videos, and inspiring podcasts that cater to all ages and walks of life.

Take this opportunity to deepen your faith, grow in knowledge, and enrich your relationship with Christ. Accessing our digital library is easy! Simply choose the section below where you would like to begin! Stay connected with your church family and godly community whenever and wherever you are. Happy exploring!

latest live sermon

Discover Truth from God's Word in our sermon archives. Delve into transformative messages delivered with passion and purpose, using the Word of God to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you personally, encourage your spirit, and enrich your journey with Christ. We hope you enjoy our archive of inspiring sermons that offer guidance, hope, and encouragement.
Have you missed being at church lately?
Catch up on previous live worship services!
We are pleased to offer this wonderful resource to our church family. RightNow Media is a collections of thousands of studies for groups, personal study, and family growth. SIGN UP for RightNow Media!!!!